
Welcome to my blog where I add tips for entertaining, fun dinner ideas, favorite travel spots and fab finds that you won’t want to miss!

Raw Honeycomb

Raw Honeycomb

If you want to kick your charcuterie board up a notch, add a block of raw honeycomb. The Savannah Bee Company Pure Honeycomb is hand cut directly from the bee hive frame. Add a sliver to your meats and cheeses and your taste buds will be wowed!

Another fun fact, honeycomb is actually healthy. It has antioxidants, protein, vitamins and minerals, and also has been know to lower cholesterol. As the Savannah Bee Company says “Let thy food be thy medicine”.

Buy the honeycomb

Easy Nutella French Toast Roll Ups

Easy Nutella French Toast Roll Ups

Aperol Spritz

Aperol Spritz