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Pepperoni Pizza Cups-A perfect low carb snack

Pepperoni Pizza Cups-A perfect low carb snack

I try to eat low carb 2 days a week. I find myself searching for things to make and eat. I have no problem finding and making snacks and meals that are higher in carbs, but I often struggle with low carb options. Pepperoni pizza cups are one of my favorite go to appetizers or snacks that are easy to make, taste great, and are low in carbs.

Cook these pepperoni bites in a muffin tin

Cook these pepperoni bites in a muffin tin

Pepperoni Pizza Cups:


  • Pepperoni

  • Pizza Sauce

  • Mozerella

  • Fresh Basil

    Spray your muffin tin with cooking spray. Put 3 pieces of pepperoni in a muffin tin, layer with a Tablespoon of pizza sauce, mozzarella, and a piece of fresh basil

    Cook at 375 until lightly brown

Let cool for a few minutes then serve

Let cool for a few minutes then serve

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