Thanks for a great first week! — Champagne and Sprinkles

Welcome to my blog where I add tips for entertaining, fun dinner ideas, favorite travel spots and fab finds that you won’t want to miss!

Thanks for a great first week!

Thanks for a great first week!

As a former teacher, I clearly remember the behind the scenes work it took to prepare for the first week of school. I also remember the first week and the last weeks of school are by far the most difficult. We often take time to thank our teachers at the end of the year, but why not also begin the year with a Thank You. It does not have to be in a small blue box, just something that says we appreciate the work you have done and all that you will do for my child throughout the year. Our thank you comes at the end of the first week. It comes in the form of movie tickets and old fashioned movie snacks. It a gift that anyone can use, especially after a long first week with kids.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy a movie on me, you deserve it…. Thank You!

BFD-Breakfast for Dinner

BFD-Breakfast for Dinner

Taco Tuesday- Flank Steak Tacos

Taco Tuesday- Flank Steak Tacos