
Welcome to my blog where I add tips for entertaining, fun dinner ideas, favorite travel spots and fab finds that you won’t want to miss!

Eggcellent Eggs

Eggcellent Eggs

My dear friend gave me the best gift this week, fresh eggs. Once you taste an egg straight from the chicken coop it is hard to turn back. If you don’t have the luxury of going in your back yard to get your eggs, or a best friend with a chicken coop, you can find them at your local farmers market. If you live in Atlanta, Lucy’s market and Storico Fresco Italian market both sell fresh eggs.

If neither of those are an option for you here are a couple of tips for choosing good eggs:

Check the expiration date, time does matter, the fresher the better

Look for organic eggs, it does make a difference in taste

Studies show that happier chickens make better tasting eggs so try to buy cage free, or free range eggs

Now go grab some eggs and make the best omelet ever!

Hanging with the gang

Hanging with the gang

Sunday Brunch-Breakfast Sandwiches

Sunday Brunch-Breakfast Sandwiches

Thirsty Thursday-Strawberry Frose

Thirsty Thursday-Strawberry Frose