
Welcome to my blog where I add tips for entertaining, fun dinner ideas, favorite travel spots and fab finds that you won’t want to miss!

Thirsty Thursday-Strawberry Frose

Thirsty Thursday-Strawberry Frose

If you are looking for a refreshing drink on this holiday weekend, try a Strawberry Frose! Jazz up your Rose with frozen strawberries and you will have a great drink that is refreshing and very easy to make. You can also make early and put in the freezer.

Here’s how:

Fill your blender with frozen strawberries (I use this instead of ice but you could also do half strawberries and half ice)

Pour in a bottle of chilled Rose

Add 1/4 C vodka

Juice from one lemon

1t vanilla (optional)

If you like basil or mint, add a few fresh tablespoons in the blender

Personally I prefer non sweet drinks, but if you like a little sweet add 2 or more tablespoons of real cane sugar to your blender.

If you are serving a crowd, I put the sugar on the side, your guests can season as they prefer!

Eggcellent Eggs

Eggcellent Eggs

Build your own Panini

Build your own Panini