
Welcome to my blog where I add tips for entertaining, fun dinner ideas, favorite travel spots and fab finds that you won’t want to miss!

Vanilla Bean Infused Bourbon

Vanilla Bean Infused Bourbon

Get Your Bourbon Ready for Fall

Want to be the winner at your next tailgate, bring a bottle of vanilla bean infused bourbon. It also makes the best hostess gift. It’s as easy as the name, split two vanilla beans and sink them into your favorite bourbon. I recommend Woodford Reserve (maybe because my parents sill live down the street from the distillery). Mix your bourbon or pour it on the rocks, show up with this bottle and your friends will think you are Neat.

Seaweed Exfoliating Detox Soap

Seaweed Exfoliating Detox Soap

A Healthy Side-Baked Sweet Potato Fries

A Healthy Side-Baked Sweet Potato Fries