Practice being Thankful — Champagne and Sprinkles

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Practice being Thankful

Practice being Thankful

Do you ever end dinner with your family and wonder what just happened? Family dinners seem to have become a lost art. Sports, phones, computers, video games, and the tv have somehow taken over family time. Nothing makes me happier than a rare family dinner when we actually have a conversation, laugh, and talk about our days. This week we are going to spend some time talking about being thankful. After my kids grab their plates and sit at our table they will each spend only 1 minute with a piece of chalk making a list of the things that they are thankful for. I hope that by the end of the week we will have a kitchen table filled with all of our blessings. I will not put any rules on this practice, video games, iPhones, beach days can all make the list.

If you are interested in giving thanks this week, grab some chalk board paper from your nearest craft store or amazon and throw it on your table. Hopefully the chalk on your table will prove that although not always spoken, your family is Thankful.

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