
Welcome to my blog where I add tips for entertaining, fun dinner ideas, favorite travel spots and fab finds that you won’t want to miss!

The Best Pasta Salad

The Best Pasta Salad

My family has used this go to pasta salad recipe for years. It is very simple but has a depth of flavor that is hard to find in a simple pasta salad. The secret to this recipe is an overnight marinade (or a few hours). Serve this at your next party for a healthier option for your guests.

Pasta Salad Recipe:

  • 1 pound of your favorite pasta (the recipe originally calls for angel hair)

  • 1/3 C good quality olive oil

  • 1/3 C fresh squeezed lemon juice (fresh is the only option)

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Accent seasoning

  • 2 Tablespoons season salt

    Use any of your favorite vegetables

  • 1 cup of red, orange, yellow peppers

  • 1 cup of carrots

  • 1/2 cup of cucumber

  • You can also add celery and green onion

  • 1 Tablespoon fresh basil, dill, oregano or any other spices that you like

  • 1 cup of mayo can be avocado mayo (you can add more or less)

  1. Cook your pasta

  2. Marinade pasta in the olive oil, lemon juice, accent, and season salt

  3. After several hours or the next day add vegetables, spices, and mayo

  4. Enjoy!

Hot Dog Chili Sauce

Hot Dog Chili Sauce

Loving London

Loving London