
Welcome to my blog where I add tips for entertaining, fun dinner ideas, favorite travel spots and fab finds that you won’t want to miss!

Thirsty Thursday-Wine Cubes

Thirsty Thursday-Wine Cubes

Who likes hot wine? Who likes watered down wine? I am pretty confident in saying no one said yes to either of these questions. Today I am solving these two problems with wine cubes. Grab an ice cube tray and fill with your favorite wine and by Five O’Clock you should have a cool compliment to your glass. Kiss that watered down wine goodbye while singing Ice Ice Baby Too Cold…..

If you want to get fancy, add a frozen strawberry or raspberry to the tray before filling with wine.

I personally prefer the presentation of giant cubes of ice. The large silicon trays are the easiest to manage. If you don’t have one, this is my fave!

Buy the giant cube ice tray

Friday Fab Finds-Native

Friday Fab Finds-Native

Create your own Naan Flatbread- Mediterranean Night

Create your own Naan Flatbread- Mediterranean Night