
Welcome to my blog where I add tips for entertaining, fun dinner ideas, favorite travel spots and fab finds that you won’t want to miss!

Semi-Homemade Flat Bread Pizza Night

Semi-Homemade Flat Bread Pizza Night

I recently found these Brooklyn Bred Pizza Crusts and they are amazing for make your own pizza night! Put out your families favorite ingredients and you have a fab meal in seconds! I brush the crusts with olive oil and put in the oven for a crispier crust. Then assemble your favorite flat bread pizzas!

Find these crusts at your local grocery store

Find these crusts at your local grocery store

Use fresh mozzarella, basil and I love Raos sauce if you don’t have time to make homemade.

Use fresh mozzarella, basil and I love Raos sauce if you don’t have time to make homemade.

My Super Secret Meatballs

My Super Secret Meatballs

Homemade Doughnuts

Homemade Doughnuts